Monday, October 7, 2013

A Little 33-Point Sermon on the Power of the Gospel in Noah's Ark, OT Reformation, the Seven Thousand, Jeremiah Chapter 31, and the Innumerable Number of God's Chosen People Who Respond in Faith

 Mike Petillo, BD
Also Posted Online at Rock of Offense Ministries But Enclosed is a Little More Info Below But Also Seen at

1.)  The question of these times comes down to the free Spirit of God who precedes from the Father and Son: namely, in the historical times of Noah's Ark, OT Reformation, and the seven thousand in the prophetic historical days of Elijah.
2.)  This unpopular view among end time teaches  is a optimistic spread of the Gospel that comes down to a new global Luther and Calvin reformation and a Edwards and Whitefield awakening that is established in Jeremiah chapter 31, and the futuristic precedence of an innumerable number of God's chosen people who respond in saving knowledge by the Spirit and Word.
3.)  There are Reformed local churches like Noah's Ark.  What does Jesus mean when He says that days will be like the the days of Noah?  It would seem to refer to when Josephus speaks of a heavenly account where the heavenly chariots of fire say "LET US REMOVE HENCE."  Moreover, there will be preachers of righteousness like Noah in the near coming of Jesus Christ just like now, but the extent of the supernatural destruction of the world will be not by a world-wide flood but by a world-wide fire.   Will the world fall for Jesus or fall for Satan?  Shouldn't we turn it on its head by Jer Chapter 31 that instead of eight souls there will be a not a remnant but a unheavenly heavenly before the time innumerable people of God that will respond in faith and there is a sense that it does not matter on God's restrainment of the devil, but I think if there is a redemptive change it will impact all of life to an extent that positively effects everything in a new time of God-programmed change touching all of life because end time optimism is a gift of Jesus.
4.)  There are greater local churches that seem like a picture of the spiritual seven thousand.
5.)  If you put these local churches together in essential Christian truth touching justification by faith alone and predestinarian Christian living, it is possible by outward appearance to come to a great number but still lack in our day a innumerable multitude.
6.)  The Bible commands God's people to be perfect, because it means we are to be complete.
7.)  The innumerable multitude comes down to the free Spirit of God, but also God-controlled second causes of foredetermined evangelism of God's Gospel through faith alone in Christ alone that works by predestinarian love and good deeds.
8.)  The prayer of God's people should be a global spreading of the gospel through the Word preached everywhere.
9.)  The Word preached always accompanies the Spirit and the Spirit always accompanies the Word: namely, how can this fail in reaching a global community of people where it is the essence of God's power and strength and refuge for those to respond in faith and repentance according to the Gospel?
10.)  Post-millennialism is surely not any form of universalism, because universalism denies the exclusivity of the Triune God: namely, post-millennialism defends the Reformed and Trinitarian Gospel but does not advocate a universalism due to the fact that all the elect (a great number before Jesus returns in His once-and-for-all Second Coming) will respond to true faith by the Spirit but still there will be a remnant of spiritual and fallen Mordor hidden in the shadows of Mt Doom where there is sleepless evil.
11.)  The amillennialist has many correct and excellent interpretations of the Book of Revelation, but it also true that we defend and affirm in post-millennialism the real reign of Jesus Christ in a spiritual millennial sense like the amillennialist.  I disagree on their view on the EXTENT of Satan's release, because I am persuaded of his spiritual chained imprisonment to such an extent by God's control that limits his activity to the exile of Babylon and the demonstrative plethora of the Spirit in bringing about the saving knowledge of God's hidden pre-converted elect over all the earth.  I am saying at the end there will be a great amount of God's pre-converted elect without apostasy of the ruling eldership and falling away of the people of God because of the unity of God's people in a optimistic eschatology (study of the end times).  It does not mean there will not be those who fall away, but we may disagree on the extent.  Is it St. Peter's partial apostasy or Diotrephes hating Gospel-lovers?  In passing, we should not allow a single eldership rule but also preach repentance.  There is also a sense after the authentic Second Coming of Jesus Christ He will reign over heaven and hell in a further completed sense of His outstretched purpose in His foredetermined God-controlled bliss for the elect and torment for the damned in glory unto perfected mercy in heaven and glory unto perfected justice in hell.
12.)  There is no doubt that the thousand years is a spiritual and symbolic number, but also in an applicational sense it refers to an eternity of a thousand years in the perfected glory and honor of the unified merits of Jesus Christ for His chosen elect in heavenly glory.
13.)  It is true that Jesus Christ reigns from heaven over all things.
14.)   There will be faith on the earth when Jesus returns in His literal and physical and non-invisible Second Coming (where no mere mortal will ever know the day, week, month, or year).
15.)  All the heretics who prophesied the Second Coming of Jesus Christ ended in absolute failure, but sinful wishful and deluded thinking is not the same as a post-millennial hope.  That is, false teachers have not learned from past history about this obvious error, because history is neglected where it is possible to learn about errors so it will not be repeated in a biblical approach to history.
16.)  Again a warning to all:  do not predict the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, because it causes mockery to the gospel and dishonor to Jesus Christ our High and Only King.
17.)  For reformation to happen people must discover the Book. 18.)  For reformation to happen sinners must hear the Word preached, but first the Spirit must bring them to hear the Word preached through His outworking purpose.
19.)  An amillennialist will say there is a remnant of God's people in the spiritual seven thousand, but the post-millennialist will agree that this is what past biblical history has provided in God's mastery of time but we would argue a spiritual seven thousand that extends to Jeremiah chapter 31 where all will know the Lord.  Does it mean every single person?  Not at all.  It means there will be a picture of a spiritual innumerable people in an earthly sense that will picture heaven before the time in the heavenly work of Jesus Christ who alone saves souls for the superlative glory of His mercy.
20.)  Heaven is here before the time in the Word preached, because it is the convicting presence of Jesus Christ.
21.)  Heaven is here before the time in the spiritual Eucharist, because it is the remembrance of the death of Jesus Christ.
22.)  Heaven is here before the time in the incarnation of Jesus Christ, because God the Son became man.
23.)  Heaven is here before the time in the sinless life of Jesus Christ, because He earned spiritual salvation for us.
24.)  Heaven is here before the time in the death of Jesus, because He made death die by His death on the glory of the Cross.
25.)  Heaven is here before the time in the bodily risen Jesus, because He made turn backwards and upside down.
26.)  Heaven is here before the time in the ascension of Jesus Christ, because He will come back the way He came.
27.)  The seven-year tribulation happened in 70 AD, but there is a real sense where all Christians have tribulation as clings to their very flesh.  Sometimes God will intervene before a tribulation, during a tribulation or after a tribulation.  Most of the time He does not stop tribulation but has us endure the storms of His hand for our betterment, His glory and to test motives.
28.)  Those of physical Israel will not be saved because they are merely descendents of Abraham, but that does not mean God will not make them to differ by saving them.  That is, He saves Jew and Gentile alike in whatsoever He pleases.
29.)  Those of the local church are a mixed body, but we strive to fill the people of God in Christ with a mindset of a "born again" emphasis because what else really matters but the incomparable gift of Jesus Christ in light of its indescribable Scriptures in having a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
30.)  Christians look often to a future ruler who will be Antichrist, but there will always be pope-like antichrists somewhere.  We should not look for a future Antichrist, because Nero was the fulfillment of the biblical Antichrist (the man of sin).  In some sense, there are types of Nero around us in a lesser extent.  The reason why we should not look for a future Antichrist is because it really brings a sensational glory to Satan.  So much time is placed on this notion of Antichrist that it is destructive to the Gospel.  
31.)  Theologians say that if you read the newspaper it is possible to see the Bible's trustworthiness in display about the nature of man, but I have no reason to disregard this and see it clearly.
32.)  There is nothing wrong with seeing the safety of Israel and all nations, but especially Israel due to its biblical importance.
33.)  The question is, what extent will there be people of God when Jesus Christ returns in His Second Coming?  Will there be faith on the earth when He comes again?  If the free Spirit is at work, I am persuaded that many will come to Him by Him in a people where Jeremiah says all will know Him by the Spirit's power. 

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