Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Wanted: A LOST Confession by MA Petillo for Unity in the Reformed Faith

Dear reader,

     Somehow you have come to the abyss of the Internet and reached my web site here, but in the past I dedicated hundreds of hours and wrote a Reformed confession for unity in a two separate Flash Drives (there was different information on them to be sure but I am seeking the Confession with the other documents).  

     In one of them contended my Confession called "The Wittenberg and Geneva Reformed Bible Confession."  I sent this to Ligonier Ministries and RC Sproul through a priority envelope with the Flash Drives contained in it and just that, but as far as I know it cannot be found.  

     If I had it, I may POST it FREE on this blog site in this corner of the abyss of the Internet.  Anyone who has found  my confession for unity should write to either address below and attach all of the documents on both Flash Drives to an email so that way no one has to pay for shipping and handling.  

Thank you for your kind time and attention.  Farewell.

Peace be unto you,

MA Petillo, BD
(most used):
(sometimes used):
(never used):
(never used):

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